Python API for Brain Simulator

Python module for using GoodAI's Brain Simulator

The module itself serves as an interface to Brain Simulator's MyProjectRunner. You can find a documentation to MyProjectRunner on GoodAI's docs website.

Install from source

Note: GoodAI-BrainSim module depends on Python for .NET which cannot be installed using easy_install, therefore you cannot use the usual python install

How to use the module

Together, beginning of your script may look like

from goodai.brainsim import load_brainsim

from goodai.brainsim import MyProjectRunner
from GoodAI.Modules.School.Common import SchoolCurriculum, LearningTaskFactory
from GoodAI.School.Common import CurriculumManager
from GoodAI.School.Worlds import ToyWorldAdapterWorld

# your code here

If you want to know how to use MyProjectRunner please refer to its documentation.

Example usage

You can find a simple example of using the API in examples/ or below. It creates simple curriculum from tasks for ToyWorldAdapterWorld and then runs the curriculum for 10 steps sending random actions to Brain Simulator.

import random
from goodai.brainsim import load_brainsim

from goodai.brainsim import MyProjectRunner

from GoodAI.Modules.School.Common import SchoolCurriculum, LearningTaskFactory
from GoodAI.School.Common import CurriculumManager
from GoodAI.School.Worlds import ToyWorldAdapterWorld

# Get Node
# node = runner.GetNode(22)
# or
# node = runner[22]

# Get Memory Block
# memblock = runner[22].Visual

# Get Values
# floatField = runner.GetValues(22, "Visual")
# or
# memblock = runner[22].Visual
# memblock.SafeCopyToHost()
# floatField = memblock.Host

runner = MyProjectRunner()

school = runner[22]

curr = SchoolCurriculum()

for w in CurriculumManager.GetAvailableWorlds():
    if w.Name == ToyWorldAdapterWorld.__name__:
        for t in CurriculumManager.GetTasksForWorld(w):
            it = LearningTaskFactory.CreateLearningTask(t, school)
            it.RequiredWorldType = w

school.Curriculum = curr

actions = 13 * [0]


for _ in xrange(10):
    actions[0] = random.random()
    runner.SetValues(24, actions, "Output")
    tWorld = school.CurrentWorld
    chosenActions = tWorld.ChosenActions


Other examples can be found in test folder.

In test/ you can see simple usage of custom MyTextLogWriter, TrainingResult and loading saved curricula.